The Antidote for Anxiety and Depression: Trust in Abba Father’s Care – Pt 59
Gratitude Conquers Anxiety
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
– Philippians 4:6
In previous devotionals I have shared extensively about my experiences with anxiety. However, I would like to refer particularly to Pt 5 in which I shared on Philippians 4:6 and highlighted ways in which anxiety can be conquered. Today I would like to focus on another that was not mentioned then, which is, “thanksgiving” or “gratitude”.
In this portion of Scripture the Apostle Paul is advising, “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing…with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
The word “thanksgiving” is the Greek word eucharistia, and is a compound of the words eu and charis. The word eu means good or well and signifies a general good disposition or an overwhelmingly good feeling about something. The word charis is the Greek word for grace. Compounded together they form the word eucharistia, which defines an outpouring of grace and of wonderful feelings that freely flow from the heart in response to someone or something (Renner, 2003).
In essence, the Apostle Paul is instructing believers to show appreciation to God with an earnest outpouring of thanks, having earnestly requested of Him the special desires of your hearts. It is proper to show your gratitude to God immediately after making your requests know unto Him. Therefore, having an attitude of gratitude even from the beginning, before you receive the answers to your prayers is necessary for the defeat of anxiety. This earnest outpouring of overwhelming good, wonderful feelings that freely flow from your heart in response to God, keeps your mind focus on the goodness and faithfulness of God so much so that there is no room for anxiety. I believe it is for this reason that the Apostle Paul also advised believers, “ In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
The word “will” is the Greek word theléma, which denotes a determination, choice, purpose, inclination or desire, pleasure (Hebrew – Greek Key Word Study Bible). This tells me that it is God’s choice or purpose or desire or pleasure for you to maintain an attitude of gratitude in everything because your gratitude conquers anxiety.
Research findings claim that anxiety contributes to stress and stress causes an imbalance in the stress hormone cortisol which has negative consequences on one’s health. However, research findings also claim that an attitude of gratitude balances the stress hormone cortisol as gratitude increases blood flow and activity in the hypothalamus, which is the master gland that controls hormones. Additional, gratitude balances the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin, which help to regulate mood and emotion, and referred to as the “happy hormones”. Hence, it is also believed that cultivating an attitude of gratitude engenders happiness, which contrary to anxiety is related to astonishing health benefits.
God in His providence and sovereignty has provided believers with all that we need to defeat the spirits of fear, anxiety and depression that affect the whole man. Today, He has just reminded you that by having an attitude of gratitude you can conquer these demonic spirits. Would you take a moment to reflect on at least five things for which you can give God thanks and let your response be an earnest outpouring of overwhelming good, wonderful feelings that freely flow from your heart unto Him.
God bless you!
Papa I come before You with worship and thanksgiving. Thank You for reminding me in Your word today that having an attitude of gratitude in everything is Your will in Christ Jesus concerning me. I declare that my gratitude conquers anxiety, makes me happy and sets me free to lead a healthy life physically, mentally or emotionally and spiritually. I pray this by faith in Jesus’ name with thanksgiving. Amen!