The Antidote for Anxiety and Depression: Trust in Abba Father’s Care – Pt 61
Contentment Conquers Anxiety
…for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
– Philippians 4:11
As I reflected on the previous devotionals that highlighted gratitude and joy as weapons for conquering anxiety, I also queried the Holy Spirit for other weapons and contentment was impressed in my spirit.
In Philippians 4:11 the Apostle Paul expressed, “…for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”
In essence, what the Apostle Paul emphasized is that from his experiences he has learned morally to habitually possess and enjoy a positive self-sufficiency or inward adequacy that comes completely from God by the indwelling power of Christ, both in times of plenty and lack, in good and bad times, through the thick and thin, in low and high times, in the dark days and in the sunshine.
According to the Apostle Paul, such contentment or self-satisfaction or self-sufficiency or independence amalgamated with godliness is great gain (1 Timothy 6:6).
I believe an aspect of the “great gain” is that contentment conquers anxiety and empowers believers to live a victorious life in Christ. When you live a life of contentment, it fuels joy which encourages an attitude of gratitude for all that God has done, is doing and will do for you. Also, it works in the reverse, that is, when you have an attitude of gratitude for all that God has done, is doing and will do for you, the expression of joy will flow from the inside of you, and enable you to be content in whatever state you are in. Hence, there will be no place for anxiety to torment your soul.
The art of contentment is the wonted earnest expression of joy in and gratitude to God no matter the situation.
God bless you!
Papa I worship and adore You. Thank You for being my Ever-present Father. Thank You for the indwelling power of Christ that teaches me the art of contentment. I declare that I am content, I rejoice and I am thankful in whatever situation. Therefore, contentment conquers anxiety and sets me free. I pray this by faith in Jesus’ name with thanksgiving. Amen!