The Antidote for Anxiety and Depression: Trust in Abba Father’s Care – Pt 84

Finish Strong

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

– Philippians 1:6

Do you have dreams that you will like to accomplish in your life? Do you often daydream and imagine the completion of your dreams? You know that your dreams are God’s purposes for you in the earth, nevertheless they seem impossible for you to attain. You have tried many times and failed. Your struggle with anxiety and depression hinders you from functioning to the best of your ability so you give up. It’s not too late, you can still have the desires of your heart.

You must be convinced or persuaded with confidence of the truth that God has started a work in you that is profitable, useful, excellent, distinguished, and of quality which He is determined to fulfil entirely or bring through to an end. It therefore means that God is still doing this good work in you whether you are aware of it or not. Just because you struggle with anxiety and depression and often feel like you are incapable of accomplishing your God given dreams doesn’t mean that God has stopped working in you. His work in you is evident even though your perception is distorted by the influence of anxiety and depression making it difficult for you to see. As a matter of fact, you don’t even need evidence of Him working in you for you to be convinced or persuaded with confidence of it, only believe that He is. In time your mind will be decluttered from all the debris of anxiety and depression and you will be able to think wisely and see clearly.

God accomplishing this good work in you empowers and equips you to accomplish your dreams and God given purpose in the earth. Therefore, you must be determined to finish strong because the finishers anointing is upon my life. You will finish strong even though you may be weak. You will finish healed even though you may be broken. You will finish prosperous even thou you may lack. You will finish triumphant even thou you may lose the battle. Why? Because the Sovereign God who created the heavens and the earth is your Beginning and your End. It is in Him that you live and move and have your being (see Acts 17:28). Therefore, you shall not die but live to declare the works of the Lord (see Psalm 118:17) and finish strong. AMEN!

God bless you!


Abba, I worship and give You glory. Thank You for the good work that you have started in my life. I declare that I am convinced with confidence that you will finish it completely. Therefore, I am determined to accomplish all that You purposed for me in the earth and finish strong. I pray this by faith in Jesus’ precious name with thanksgiving. Amen!