The Antidote for Anxiety and Depression: Trust in Abba Father’s Care – Pt 50
My True Identity in Christ Jesus!
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
– Genesis 1:26-27
Who am I? is a question that I have asked myself for years and for which I sought answers in all the wrong places, things and people. I didn’t know my true identity. I was defined by the experiences I have had throughout my life – child sexual abuse, rejection, abandonment, failures, just to name a few. Thus, when I thought of “who am I”, the answers were, I am a stupid girl, ruined, dejected, worthless, unlovable, failure, crazy, victim, evil, mean, selfish, hypocrite. I couldn’t perceive anything valuable or desirable in me. I believed all these things with all my heart and there wasn’t anything that anyone could have said or done to convince me otherwise. Therefore, I hated myself so much that the only solution was self-harm, hence the many suicidal attempts but God saved me from myself over and over and over again.
On the contrary, who I am in God’s eyes is far from what I have mentioned above. When God looks at me, He sees a reflection of Himself because He has created me in His image and likeness as revealed in the chronicle of creation.
Genesis 1:26-27 states, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
The word “image” is the Hebrew word tsehlem, which means resemblance, a figure, an image or likeness, a model, a drawing, a shadow (Hebrew – Greek Key Word Study Bible).
The word “likeness” is the Hebrew word demooth, which means resemblance, model, shape, like – fashion (Hebrew – Greek Key Word Study Bible).
In the original Hebrew manuscript, the words “image” and “likeness” are coupled together, there is no conjunction between the two words as seen in the English translation, therefore they do not have separate meanings, together they are used as a description of the same capacity. They both denote a form or shape and bear a resemblance of the actual thing though they are not the thing.
To be created in God’s image and likeness therefore means that though human beings are not actually God, we are a prototype or fashion or shape or pattern or portrayal and resemblance of God
In the beginning God created me in His image after His likeness, having predestined me before the world began. Then He called me to Himself as His own possession; filled me with His Holy Spirit; gave me His glory, grace, Spirit gifts, power and authority, as well as the keys to the kingdom; made me a partner with Him in His kingdom business to reap the end-time harvest with Him; and anointed me with boldness to be His witness in the earth, do exploits, cover the earth with His glory, and proclaim His praises to the ends of the earth.
Hence, to answer the question, “Who am I?” I am Daddy’s marvellous masterpiece, fearfully and wonderfully made in His resemblance and fashion. I am the prototype or portrayal of God. I am the field of God that Jesus dresses and keeps every day a flourishing garden. I am the building of God constructed by the architectural design of the Chief Architect to dwell the very Spirit and presence of God. I bear the very essences of God, His character. I am royalty because the King of kings and Lord of lords is my Daddy, and so much more that this devotional will not permit me to mention. Thus, I carry the capacity for greatness. Now, this is my true identity! Beloved, this is your true identity!
Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus! Praise the Lord! Glory be to God!
I believe it is of paramount importance for us to understand where the problems with identity came from. It started back in the Garden of Eden when the serpent deceived Eve and subsequently Adam.
In Genesis 3:5 the serpent told Eve, ““For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.””
In this verse I believe Eve’s identity was questioned and she was deceived into thinking she will be what she already was for she was already like God because He created her in His image and likeness. You see, the enemy only presented to Eve half-truth, which is a lie nonetheless.
Interestingly, man’s sin did not change him being in the image and likeness of God in which he was created in the beginning, however, the image is marred and the enemy’s deception has distorted man’s perception of this image and likeness, causing man not to grasp the extent of his true identity in Christ Jesus.
In order for me to fully grasp the extent of my true identity in Christ Jesus, I had to deconstruct all the negative beliefs and perceptions that I held about myself, and reconstruct my beliefs and perceptions of myself with the truth in the Word of God.
If today you are struggling with your identity like I did, may God help you to know and grasp the extent of your true identity in Christ Jesus.
God richly bless you!
Daddy, I worship You right now for creating me in Your image and likeness. Thank You for saving me from myself over and over and over and over again and for helping me grasp the extent of my true identity in Christ Jesus. Thank You for anointing me with boldness to be Your witness in the earth. I declare that I carry the capacity for greatness for Greater is He who is in me than he that is in the world. I declare that I will do exploits, cover the earth with His glory, and proclaim His praises to the ends of the earth. I pray this by faith in Jesus’ mighty name with thanksgiving. Amen!