The Antidote for Anxiety and Depression: Trust in Abba Father’s Care – Pt 51
Strength in the Joy of the Lord!
Then he said unto them…neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength.
– Nehemiah 8:10
Though I am a believer in Jesus Christ from a young age, throughout my life I suffered severe physical and emotional hurt as well as loses for which I grieved because of trauma in my childhood. Being in constant pain I worried that something worst would happen to me. Therefore, I was angry at myself for being unwell. I was angry at God because I thought He allowed bad things to happen to me. I was angry at my parents for not protecting me. I was angry at the world and I didn’t know why. Also, I was unhappy all the time. I didn’t know how to play, smile or laugh, not even if I heard a joke that was very humorous. My face was always serious with a frown. I was heavily burdened down by the sufferings I experienced. Thus, I was weak in my body, soul and spirit. Anxiety and depression were sucking all the strength out of me. I had no life. I wasn’t living but merely existing.
However, one day when I was praying, I heard in my spirit that my strength is in the joy of the Lord and my breakthrough is in my worship unto God. This reminded me of Nehemiah 8:10 that says “…neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
The word “sorry” is the Hebrew word atsab, which means to hurt, to pain, to grieve, to worry, to displease. This refers to physical pain, emotional pain or a combination of both physical and emotional pain (Hebrew – Greek Key Word Study Bible).
The word “joy” is the Hebrew word chedvah, which means rejoicing or gladness, joy (Hebrew – Greek Key Word Study Bible).
This tells me that the antidote for all my hurt, pain, grieve, worry and anger is knowing that my strength is contained in the joy, gladness or rejoicing of the Lord. It was only when I began to experience the joy of the Lord that I began to receive strength in my body, soul and spirit. To me the joy of the Lord doesn’t only entail my being glad and rejoicing in the Lord but also the Lord rejoicing over me. Knowing that the Almighty Lord “rejoices over me with joy, rests in His love and joys over me with singing” (Zephaniah 3:17) gives me strength to face each day.
You too can find your strength in the joy of the Lord if you are experiencing hurt, pain, grieve, worry and anger.
God richly bless you!
Abba, I worship You because You are the Almighty God. I thank You for being my ever-present Daddy and for Your joy in which is my strength. I declare that all my hurt, pain, grieve, worry and anger are drowned in the sea of joy and gladness. Therefore, I will rejoice, I will lift my voice and worship my Lord. For my strength is in the joy of the Lord and my breakthrough in my worship. I pray this by faith in Jesus’ mighty name with thanksgiving. Amen.