The Antidote for Anxiety and Depression: Trust in Abba Father’s Care – Pt 88
Be Filled with the Holy Spirit!
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
– Ephesians 5:19
There are times when the daily grind of life evokes anxiety and depression and the mind becomes overcrowded with negative thoughts like a bomb waiting to be exploded, to the point of crippling voices. Sometimes, we are confined to places where there isn’t freedom to speak or sing out loud. Nevertheless, when we are under the inspiration of the infilling with the Holy Spirit there is a positive impact on our lives that stimulates our inner voices.
The Holy Spirit indwelling the believer empowers us and enables us to speak to ourselves in chant, celebration, and praise, as well as sing and make melody in our hearts (minds or thoughts and feelings) to the Lord; that defuses the bomb, quiets the noise in our minds and lifts our spirits even in the midst of difficulties. There is a joyous worship that springs forth out of our souls, and praises inhabit by the Holy Spirit which drown all our cares.
The indwelling of the Spirit of God in our lives is such a treasured and precious gift. Often, we don’t recognize and realize Him as such so we quench and greave the Holy Spirit by the things we do and say (our actions, behaviours and uttered words). However, He remains with us through the thick and thin. He is faithful through the ages. Sing a new love song unto Him today!
God bless you!
Daddy, I worship and praise You today with everything that is within me. Thank You for the indwelling of Your Holy Spirit. I declare that I will always speak to myself in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, as well as sing and make melody in my heart unto the Lord. Therefore, there is no place in my thoughts and feelings for the influence of anxiety and depression. I pray this by faith in Jesus’ precious name with thanksgiving. Amen!