The Antidote for Anxiety and Depression: Trust in Abba Father’s Care – Pt 98

Encourage and Build Up One Another

Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.

– 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Evidently, life gets very demanding for persons who have various responsibilities in their homes, Churches, ministries, organisations, careers, et cetera. Circumstances are sometimes unfavourable and some people difficult to deal with. At times, life throws curve balls at you that you must field nonetheless but for which you are occasionally unable to. Hence, you become frustrated, overwhelmed, anxious, depressed and regularly feel alone in your pain. In these difficult times you will encounter persons who are experiencing such so you are admonished to comfort (encourage, speak consoling words, exhort, show compassion, support, strengthen) and edify (build up, augment, add to, advance, improve, enhance) them.

Comfort yourselves by encouraging and speaking to yourselves with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (see Ephesians 5:19). However, sometimes you may not always have the words of encouragement to say to others but even your very presence is a support or demonstration of compassion for them. At times that is all they need, someone who can be present with them with a listening ear or to help them with a mammoth task that they have been struggling to complete.

Additionally, edify one another by building one another up in your most holy faith (see Jude 1:20). This is to enrich the lives of one another. It requires a deliberate choice and tremendous effort to invest in a strategic plan of action for your personal construction venture in like manner as a builder plans for the construction of a house. It therefore means that you must have a personal plan to build up the lives of others who are overwhelmed, anxious and depressed because of the challenges in life.

Two are better than one (see Ecclesiastes 4:9) so purpose in your heart today to encourage and build up one another, especially in these challenging times.

God bless you!


Daddy, I worship and praise You for You alone are Holy and worthy. Thank You that in Your Wisdom You have created us for one another. Thank You for the people You have placed in my life who have been a blessing to, encouraging and building me up, especially in challenging times. I declare that from hereon I will make a deliberate choice and great effort to personally be a source of comfort and enrichment to others who need me just like I need them. I pray this by faith in Jesus’ precious name with thanksgiving. Amen!